Join the Bus & Coach Association NZ for:

Industry Advocacy
Industry Legislation & Regulations
Legal Advice & Guidance
Industry communications
Industry seminars and events
Deals and Benefits

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Why Join The Bus & Coach Association

Member Services

What do you get if you join the BCA? Below is a list of the things we offer.

  • Industry Advocacy – As the voice of the industry, the Bus and Coach Association team works hard on your behalf to make sure there is the right industry input into legislative, policy and regulatory changes, so we have effective and fit-for-purpose rules that enable businesses to operate efficiently and effectively. 
  • Legal Advice – In addition to in-house support, members benefit from comprehensive legal advice on all employment, health and safety, ACC and immigration matters through our partnership with Ford Sumner Lawyers.
    • Sample Contracts – Sample permanent and casual employment contracts, and contracts to provide school transport to direct-resourced schools are free to all members. For more information and to obtain sample contracts call Ford Sumner on (04) 910 3200.
  • Advice and Guidance – Access to a range of easy-to-understand fact sheets on key industry issues and regulations, guiding members through some of the most commonly asked queries and compliance tricky bits.
  • Star Grading Programme – Allows members to distinguish quality vehicles and obtain a price premium for them. Bus and Coach administers the programme for tour coaches and promotes it to domestic and international travel agents and wholesalers, including the ADS scheme.
  • Concession Agreements
    • Department of Conservation – Bus and Coach members can join our collective concession agreement with the Department of Conservation allowing operators to obtain Concession Identification cards that permit vehicles to park then disembark/embark passengers on DOC land. Two price competitive options are available.
    • Sky Stadium Parking - The Bus and Coach Association NZ issues permits for coach access and event parking for Wellington's Sky Stadium.
  • Communications – We have multiple channels and publications we use to reach our members
    • Circular Magazine – Our own monthly bus and coach industry magazine is packed with the latest industry news and views to keep you up to date.
    • CEO column – Monthly editorial from our CEO.
    • In the Loop E-newsletter - Our weekly e-newsletter with updates on industry relevant issues and what we’ve been up to.
    • Sector seminars and events - School, tourism, urban and maintenance seminars have been held on a regular basis. Along with our annual conference, they are an opportunity for policy discussion, education and debate, and to network with other operators and suppliers.
    • Stakeholder comms and news releases – Communicated through our website, on Linked-in or emailed directly to our operators.
    • Social Media – for communication to a wider audience.
  • Online Store - Your one-stop-shop to buy school bus signs, register for events and parking permits for Sky Stadium. Members are entitled to discounted prices on signs only.
  • Deals and Benefits - BCA members enjoy a range of discounts and benefits from key industry suppliers.

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